Terms and conditions


The 5th International Scottish Masonic Conference (“ISMC”) will be held between the 28th and 31st of May 2025 at the Radisson Blu Resort in Livingstone, Zambia and is organised and facilitated by the District Grand Lodge of Zambia Scottish Constitution (“DGLZ”).

Delegates attending the ISMC must be Freemasons in good standing and members of a Lodge, recognised by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Delegates can attend the ISMC accompanied by their spouse or partner, other family members and/or guests, who may participate in activities separate from the conference meetings and sessions.

These Terms & Conditions are applicable to all Delegates, their spouses or partners, other family members and their guests attending the ISMC.  Delegates, spouses or partners, other family members and their guests are collectively referred to as “participant” or “participants” in these Terms and Conditions.

Registration and Liability

  1. By registering for and/or attending the ISMC, all participants agree to be bound by, and comply with, these Terms and Conditions. It is the participant’s responsibility to read and understand these Terms and Conditions. Participants include all delegates attending the conference as well as their spouses or partners, other family members and guests accompanying them.
  1. These Terms & Conditions and the Agreement are made only in the English language, United Kingdom.
  1. The registration is conducted by completing and submitting the registration form on the ISMC website (https://ismczambia2025.org/registration/), confirming acceptance of these terms & conditions and paying the conferences charges for all participants.
  2. All participants will be able to benefit from the “Early Bird” 10% discounted registration fee until 23:59 CAT September 30th 2024. If full payment has not been received and confirmed by the Conference Administration by October 10th, 2024, participants will be charged the standard conference fee. This applies to registrants submitting bank/wire transfers and (online) credit card payments that are incomplete for any reason.
  3. All participants must register before the 28th of February 2025, after which no registrations will be accepted.
  4. Attendance of the conference and conference sessions is restricted to delegates who are Freemasons in good standing and members of Freemason Lodges recognised by the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
  5. The DGLZ reserves the right to reject registrations and participants from attending the ISMC at its own discretion.
  6. All participants are responsible for taking appropriate insurance coverage in connection with their attendance at the ISMC. Where the participant is travelling from outside of Zambia to attend the conference, appropriate travel insurance as well as comprehensive travel health insurance should be purchased independently and in advance of any travel or travel bookings. Additional “extreme sports” health cover may be required for certain activities. Participants are responsible for ensuring their respective insurance cover, includes cover for all activities the participants conduct.
  7. The conference will include activities that may require particular precautions. These activities are for example: boat cruises on the Zambezi River; Game Viewing in the National Parks; interactions with animals (for example elephants and rhinos); walking hikes around and/or near the Victoria Falls, which may be challenging for participants with acrophobia (fear of heights).
  8. All Participants, attending the ISMC, attend at their own risk and responsibility. The DGLZ, its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature and howsoever arising which may be suffered by any Participants as a result of or in connection with the ISMC, whether direct or indirect, consequential, delictual or otherwise.
  9. All Delegates, who are accompanied by their spouse or partner, other family members and/or guests are responsible and liable for them. The Delegate hereby confirms that he has the consent and authority to accept these Terms & Conditions for and on behalf of all other participants accompanying him to the conference.
  10. The Delegate and participants accompanying him, hereby indemnify the DGLZ and its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties for and holds them harmless against any claim, damage, loss, costs, or expense of whatever nature made against the DGLZ by their spouse or partner, any other family members and/or any guests accompanying the delegate as well as any third party arising from or associated with the Goods and Services supplied by the DGLZ in connection with the ISMC.
  11. The Delegate and all and any other participant accompanying him hereby indemnify the DGLZ and its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties for and holds them harmless against any claim, damage, loss, cost, or expense of whatever nature made against the DGLZ and its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties by any third party arising from or associated with his and their attendance of the ISMC and any and all services supplied by the DGLZ and its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties to the participants.

Confirmation Process & Payments

  1. Once the registration form has been completed, the delegate will be required to pay the conference fees either through bank transfer or online credit card payment. Online payments will attract an additional transaction charge of 3%.
  1. Bank transfers must be made with “no costs or charges to the beneficiary” to the following bank account:






ACCOUNT  NUMBER: 9130006813554


Reference: ISCM 2025 “Delegate Name”:

  1. Registrations will be processed within three to five working days from submission of the registration form and receipt of conference fee payment by the DGLZ. The registration is not confirmed until the delegate receives an email confirmation from the DGLZ which sets out the order details, a link to the special conference hotel accommodation rates and other useful information.

Venue & Special Requirements

  1. All participants must comply with the rules and regulations governing the Venue (Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya Resort Livingstone). Participants bringing any property to the Venue, do so at their own risk. The DGLZ and its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties are not responsible for any loss and/or damage to such property.
  2. Participants with any additional requirements due to a disability, food allergies, or for any other reason must highlight these requirements, when registering and booking their accommodation with the Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya Resort, latest on arrival at the Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya Resort.

Conference Changes

  1. The DGLZ reserves the right to make any changes to the conference at any time without prior written notice. For example, such changes may include changing the programme (including, but not limited to, the speakers), date, time and/or the Venue. Additionally, any discounts or offers advertised for a particular event (such as “Early Bird” offers) may be time limited and/or subject to availability and will be subject to additional Terms and Conditions.
  2. Accommodation costs are not included in the conference registration fee. Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Conference registration can be cancelled only in writing (letter or email) to:


c/o The District Grand Secretary Mark Lüring

Plot 5163 Washama Road,

10101 Lusaka, Zambia

Email: ismc2025@gmail.com and/or  districtgrandsecsc@gmail.com

Delegates and all participants must ensure that their cancellation notice is received by the DGLZ, which will be confirmed by email by the ISMC Administration.

  1. A cancellation fee will be applicable as follows:
  • 5% of the total conference fee for cancellations received before 31 October 2024
  • 50% of the total conference fee for cancellations received between 1st November 2024 and before 31st January 2025.
  • Cancellations after 31st January 2025 are not refundable
  1. Substitutions may be made at any time. If a delegate wishes to substitute a participant, please contact the Conference Administration (ismc2025@gmail.com) at least 48 hours before the conference commencement date.
  2. All refunds for cancellations will be made within two months from receipt and acceptance of the cancellation notice. Participants will bear all transaction costs for the refund.

Personal Information & Personal Data Collection

  1. With the submission of the registration form for the ISMC, all participants consent to the collection, use, and processing of their personal data as described in this clause.
  1. The DGLZ collects personal data, including:
  • Contact information (name, email, residential address, phone number, date of birth);
  • Financial & Banking particulars as requested in the ISMC registration form;
  • Masonic Particulars as requested in the ISMC registration form
  1. We use your personal data for:
  2. Registration and management of all participants for the purpose of conducting the ISMC
  3. Vetting and confirming the masonic particulars of the delegate with:
    1. The Grand Lodge of Scotland;
    2. The Grand Lodge presiding over the District Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge or Superintendent governing the Freemason Lodge of which the delegate is a member of;
  • The District Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge or Superintendent governing the Freemason Lodge of which the delegate is a member;
  1. Freemason’s Lodge of which the delegate is a member.
  1. Managing and registering participants with the conference venue, Radisson Blu Mosi-Oa-Tunya Resort Livingstone, other accommodation facilities in conjunction with the ISMC, and service providers for the various activities and functions offered and conducted during the ISMC
  2. Marketing and promotional purposes
  3. Compliance with legal obligations
  4. We may share your personal data with:
  5. Third-party service providers (e.g., payment processors)
  6. Business partners and affiliates
  7. Law enforcement and regulatory authorities (as required by law)
  8. Email addresses provided by the delegate will also be used to circulate details and announcements for the ISMC.

Force Majeure

Except with respect to obligations to pay the Fees or other charges, “Force Majeure” means anything outside the reasonable control of a party, including but not limited to, acts of God, fire, storm, flood, earthquake, explosion, accident, acts of the public enemy, war, rebellion, insurrection, sabotage, epidemic, quarantine restriction, labour dispute, labour shortage, power shortage, ceasing to be entitled to access the internet for whatever reason, server crashes, deletion, corruption, loss or removal of data, transportation embargo, failure or delay in transportation, any act or omission (including laws, regulations, disapprovals or failures to approve) of any government or government agency.

If a party is wholly or partially precluded from complying with its obligations under this Agreement by Force Majeure, then that party’s obligation to perform in accordance with this Agreement will be suspended for the duration of the Force Majeure.

As soon as practicable after an event of Force Majeure arises, the party affected by Force Majeure must notify the other party of the extent to which the notifying party is unable to perform its obligations under these Terms & Conditions.

Contract Law and Financial Security

These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Zambian law.

All prices and charges contained herein are based on statutory taxation and duty regulations applicable on the date this these Terms & Conditions come in to effect. DGLZ reserves the right to amend these prices and charges, should there be a change in statutory taxation and duty regulations before the commencement of the ISMC.

All participants submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Zambian courts with regards to any disputes and legal action against DGLZ, its members, administration, agents, and any affiliated parties.

Lusaka, 24th June 2024